
Target group: Developers


Just override plugin.tx_typo3_forum.view to use you own template. Default Template is found in EXT:typo3_forum/Resources/Private/

TypoScript Reference

  • Configuration must be set in TypoScript
  • Include Static Typoscript Template in BackendModule “Templates”
plugin.tx_typo3forum {
        persistence {
                # Pid for your main storage sysfolder
                storagePid = 12
        settings {
                debug = 0
                cutUsernameOnChar = 9
                cutBreadcrumbOnChar = 40
                popularTopicTimeDiff = 604800
                useSqlStatementsOnCriticalFunctions = 1

                pids {
                        # Insert pid of page where the fourm plugin is on
                        Forum = pid
                        # Insert pid of page where the User profile plugin is on
                        UserShow = pid
                        # Insert pid of page where the Users List plugin is on
                        UserList = pid
                        # Insert pid of page where the User profile plugin is on
                        UserEdit = pid
                        # Insert pid of page where the Dashboard plugin is on
                        Dashboard = pid

                mailing {
                        # Insert name of the sender
               = Name of Sender
                        # Insert Mail address of the sender
                        sender.address = Mail of Sender
